- Construction noise monitoring
- Transport noise
- City noise
- Industrial estate noise
- Airport noise
- Harbour noise
- Race track noise
- Shooting range
- Outdoor concrets and venues
Scalable and easy
When creating an account in NorCloud you can create and manage as many projects you want. You can connect as many noise-monitors you like, there is no limitation. You pay per unit in use per day – no hidden costs.
System alarms
System Alarms helps you to monitor the health status of your projects. Alarms are generated in case of lost connection, mains failure, low battery, data transfer failure, microphone calibration failure and more.
Noise event handling
You can configure noise event alarms based on different measurement parameters, dose calculations etc. You may trigger actions like sending emails, audio recording, pictures or just set a digital output.
Measurement parameters
NorCloud supports all measurement parameters measured by the Nor145/150. From just LAeq every minute or less, to high resolution 1/3 octave multispectrum. You may just send some parameters to NorCloud and decide to store the rest on the local SD card for later data processing and cost saving.
Permanent audio recording
The system can do permanent audio recording 24/7 with data stored locally on the noise monitor. Listen to the data and select what data to upload. A data management system automatically erases the oldest data.
The system automatically calculates and report LDEN. Penalty for impulsive noise is automatically detected in accordance with ISO 1996-3.
Dose calculation
This is a tool for seeing if an equivalent sound level is in danger of reaching or reaches a certain sound level limit within a certain time span. It supports an alarm message on email when reaching the first limit (yellow alarm) and the second limit (red alarm). The dose calculation is based on an A-weighted Sound Exposure Level, LAE.
Live data
Live data can be switched on to generate real time noise data to govern noise from live events, such as racetracks or shooting ranges
Noise compass
The noise compass (optional) calculate the noise emission from your predefined 3D sectors. This helps you to automatically remove unwanted noise events from other sectors than the project you manage.
Use the report generator or Excel to make your own customized reports. Reports can be generated at fixed intervals (day, workdays, week, month, year) or on demand.
Push data to a local server
NorCloud offer automatically data transfer to your server. Most data formats are supported.