- Evaluation of industrial noise
- Evaluation of rail and road traffic noise
- Evaluation of residential noise
Option packages:
Nor1026 Plus package option kit containing basic module plus options 2, 3 and 4.
Nor1026 Standard option kit containing basic module plus options 1,2,3,4.
Nor1026 Professional package option kit containing basic module plus options 1,2,3,4,Lden, TALärm and DM160398.
Professional Event and Calculation module for automated noise sources event detection, marker management feature and advanced calculations based on selected markers, time intervals, or descriptors, as well as post-processed statistical noise analysis.
Enhanced display module with level vs. frequency presentation of multi spectrum measurements, 3D/Spectrogram Views (require v6.x software), AC-view display of audio recordings and a secondary y-axis on the L(t)-Views for display of alternative data such as weather.
Multiple file read-in module for displaying and calculating of multiple noise measurements files in parallel (even from different instruments). Allows the read-in of .txt files for measurement parameters as well as alternative data files such as pictures, NorReview projects and other .doc and .pdf documents.
Special NorReview sound player with moving cursor along the level versus time graphical views measurement recordings.
Combined with opt.1, new markers may be inserted simultaneously with the moving cursor.
NorReport reporting module using editable Excel-templates to prepare user-defined printed report of measurement result.
Based on predefined Word templates, the user may quickly produce a complete report of any measurement file currently imported to the project tree. The templates may be adjusted to each users requirement by deleting or inserting those graphs and tables required. Company logos or other graphical objects may also be added; or templates may be stored for re-use in a later project.
Requires Microsoft Word2003, or newer, installed on the PC. (This optional feature is included in the basic package from software version 5.x)
Rating module enabling calculations according to Lden (Day-Evening-Night) and Ldn (Day-Night) functions (ISO 1996-1 Standard).
Tonality assessment module enabling calculations according to Annex C in the ISO 1996-2 (2007) and the German Standard DIN 45681 (2005).
Rating module enabling calculations according to German Standard TALärm (1998).
Rating module enabling calculations according to Italian Standard DM 16.03.98 based on the level vs. time profile.
Prominence of impulsive sounds in accordance with British Standard BS-4142 (2014) Annex E (similar to Nordtest Method NT ACOU 112).