- Environmental noise assessments
- Environmental noise monitoring
- Building acoustics
- Noise at work
- Product development
- Quality control
- Noise mapping
- Sound Power
- Room acoustics
- Vibration measurements
- Frontend for Nor850 multichannel system
The Nor140 may be extended with a large selection of optional features, thereby allowing you to tailor the instrument to your specific requirements. Optional features may be ordered and installed at any time by just adding a new set of option codes.
Options packages:
Nor140 as Basic Level package (e.g. for Industrial Hygiene) containing options: 04, 05, 06.
Nor140 as Advanced Level package (e.g. for ENV), containing options: 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 14, 16.
Nor140 as Advanced Building Acoustics package with on board rating, containing options: 01, 03, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12.
Option package containing options: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Audiometer calibration option package containing option 01,03 and 17.
When fitted with option 1, the Nor140 can perform real time frequency analysis in octaves covering the frequency bands 0.5 Hz to 16 kHz in one range. A limited frequency range 8 Hz – 16 kHz can be set in order to avoid low frequency noise. A 3 Hz 3rd order high pass filter is then enabled in the analogue input stage to prevent overload due to low frequency noise. The wide frequency range with full dynamic range of more than 120 dB makes the instrument well suited for both vibration and noise measurements.
The reference spectra feature is used for comparison of any measured frequency spectrum with a pre-selected user defined spectrum. It functions for 1/1-octave, 1/3 octave and the spectral weighting networks. The measured spectrum may be compared to an upper limit, a lower limit or both. If the measured signal exceeds the boundaries, a “NoGo” warning is given on the screen,and a digital signal is set on the I/O port. This is useful for many applications such as product control and spectrum comparison.
Option 2 requires that minimum option 1 be installed!
Parallel 1/3-octave real-time filters covering the 0.4 Hz – 20 kHz frequency range in one span.
All filters fulfil the IEC 61260 class 1 digital IIR base 10 and ANSI S1.11-2004 Class 1 requirements 120 dB “one-range” even in the filter bands.
Results are displayed both graphically and numerically.
A-weighting (pre-weighting) feature available on displayed results.
When fitted with option 3, the Nor140 can perform real time frequency analysis in 1/3 octave covering the frequency bands 0.4 Hz to 20 kHz in one range. A limited frequency range covering 6.3 Hz – 20 kHz can be set to avoid low frequency noise. A 3 Hz 3rd order high pass filter is then enabled in the analogue input stage to prevent overload due to low frequency noise.
The wide frequency range with full dynamic range of more than 120 dB makes the instrument well suited for both vibration and noise measurements.
Option 3 requires that minimum option 1 be installed.
Option 4 adds statistical distribution to the Nor140 functionality. There are eight percentiles shown, out of which one is user selectable. The class width is 0.2 dB over the entire 130 dB range.
The statistical distribution calculations employs the F time constant and applies to the spectral weighting networks (A and C or Z) as well as all the individual 1/1 and 1/3-octave filter bands (if applicable). The back-erase feature, which deletes up to the ten most recent seconds of acquired global data prior to a pause upon resuming, updates the statistics buffers as well to maintain consistency.
Option 5 enables parallel measurement of all time constants simultaneously. If real time filters are installed, the parallel time weighting functions are available for the individual filter bands as well.
Automatic markers:
A pause marker is inserted into the time profile in pause mode. A recorder marker is inserted when the instrument is doing a sound recording, and an overload marker is inserted if overload occurs.
The enhanced time profile mode allows logging of Leq, Lmax, Lmin, Lpeak, Le and SPL for all weighting networks and frequency bands for time constant F, S and I in parallel if option 5 parallel time constant is enabled. The user may select from one to all available parameters to log. The time resolution is from 5 ms logging to memory. If the frequency analysis option is installed, these values may be measured too, both as time profile multi spectrum values and as global values.
User controlled source coding
With option 7, the instrument gets eight marker functions, where as four are user defined. Three of these are single markers and one is a toggle marker.
Option 7 requires that minimum option 6 be installed.
Option 8 allows storing the sound signal itself onto the SD card or the internal memory of Nor140 sound analyser. This option is especially useful for source identification. The sound recording can be trigged by an external hand switch, by a level trigger (requires option 16) or by a manual key push.
Several recording formats are supported, ranging from 8, 16 or 24 bit and with sampling rates of 12 or 48 kHz. Using 48 kHz sampling and the stored sound signal may be used for further processing. The Nor140 has a large dynamic range – exceeding 120 dB. This means that if you try to play back the signal on your PC you will – in most cases – hear nothing!
To overcome this problem a special digital gain, 0 – 96 dB, can be added to the sound recorded signal without affecting the calibration or measured values. Another useful feature is that you may play a 10 sec reference tone – sine wave, pink or white noise in the beginning of a measurement to set a reference level when later replaying recorded data.
Option 8 requires that minimum option 6 be installed.
Option 9 requires that minimum option 1 be installed.
The signal generator option generates both white and pink noise. Both impulse excitation and continuous noise excitation are supported, making the noise generator useful for both reverberation time measurements as well as sound insulation measurements.
Option 11 turns your Nor140 into a powerful single channel building acoustic analyser. All the required parameters for performing both airborne and impact sound insulation are calculated. Using the Nor140 for measuring building acoustic, both airborne and impact noise has never been easier. With the Nor1028 NorBuild sound insulation reporting program, Norsonic offers a powerful and user-friendly building acoustic solution.
Option 11 requires that minimum option 1, 3, 9 and 10 be installed.
Nor140 may perform advanced sound insulation measurement using the innovative Swept-Sine technique when used with Nor850 reporting software or Nor1028 NorBuild software.
Background noise correction
Adding STIPA option to Nor140 turns the analyser into a powerful tool for analysing the Speech Transmission quality in public areas. The method can be used to compare the speech trans-mission quality at various positions and under various conditions within the same listening space. STIPA replaces the former used RASTI method as a more accurate method compared to RASTI.
A measurement in one listening position takes about 13 sec. Unlike many other STIPA measurement systems, the Nor140 can also correct the results for the background noise. In addition all calculated indexes are displayed, not only the single STIPA value. This feature is valuable for engineers optimising the room acoustics in public spaces or other areas where the speech quality is important.
Option 13 requires that minimum option 1 be installed!
This option allows the user to perform survey grade LWA sound power level measurements in the field without any other external device. A perfect tool for verifying the sound power level of equipment after installation. A graphical wizard guides the user through the measurement – easy and intuitive to use!
Audiometer calibration
Audiometry is the testing of hearing ability. Audiometric tests determine a subject’s hearing levels with the help of an audiometer. For reliable test results, it is essential that audiometers are regularly calibrated in accordance with the relevant standards.
Nor140 can be equipped with the option for audiometer calibration which provides the ability for acoustical measurement of frequency and level of the test signal as well as harmonic distortion. Measurement take only 2 seconds and is performed in an intuitive way presenting the 1/3 octave band spectrum together with a result table containing values for frequency of the test tone, level of the test tone, Z Leq and harmonic distortion.
Option 17 requires that minimum option 1 and 3 are installed
The Nor140 is widely used as frontend in applications developed by system integrators. A typical example is TopSonic, a world leading company in airport noise monitoring. The Nor140 is installed at numerous airports worldwide as a noise measuring frontend to TopSonic’s monitoring software.
The Nor140 features full remote control and readout of all measurement data. In addition, special features are added to support various readout format and increased redundancy to ensure a stable 24-7 operation. Consult factory for further details.
The Nor140 fulfil the following standards set for sound level meters:
IEC 61260-1, IEC 61260-2, IEC 61260-3, IEC 61672-1
ISO 717-1, ISO 717-2, ISO 10140-2, ISO 10140-3, ISO 10140-4, ISO 16283-1, ISO 16283-2, ISO 16283-3, ISO 354, ISO 3382-2, ISO 10052, ISO 16032, ISO 1996-1, ISO 1996-2, ISO 3746
ASTM E1007-21, ASTM C423-22, ASTM E336-20, ASTM E90-9,
ANSI S1.4, ANSI S1.11, ANSI S1.43, ANSI S12.12-1992
Number of channels: 1
Input connector: 7 pin LEMO connector for Norsonic microphone systems.
Microphone: Nor1225, 1/2”, freefield, 50 mV/Pa.
Preamplifier: Nor1209 (Normal) or IEPE-type by menu selection.
Preamplifier supply voltage: ±15 volt, max 3 mA
Polarisation voltage: 0 V and 200 V, selectable.
Maximum input signal: ±11V peak
Preamplifier IEPE®:
Supply current: 4mA
Supply voltage: 24V
Input impedance: >100 kΩ, <650 pF
Measurement range: 0,3 µV – 7Vrms (10 Vpeak) in one range corresponding to -10 dB to 137 dB (140 dB peak) with a microphone sensitivity of 50mV/Pa. Option 18 shifts the measurement range to 147 dB (150 dB peak) by reducing the microphone sensitivity
The input section is equipped with an analogue highpass filter to reduce noise from wind or other sources with frequencies below the frequency range for measurements. The filter is switched on if the limited frequency range is selected (>6,3 Hz).
Filter type: 3rd order HP filter (-3 dB at 3,4 Hz, Butterworth response).
The analogue input signal is converted to a digital signal by a multirange sigma-delta converter with an effective sampling frequency of 48 kHz. The anti-aliasing filter is a combination of an analogue and a digital filter.
Simultaneous measurement of A and C-weighting or A- and Z-weighting. 1/1 octave band or 1/3 octave band levels may be measured simultaneously if options providing these weightings are installed.
1/1 octave filters: 0,5 – 16000 Hz, class 1, digital IIR filters, base 10 system (IEC 61260) and ANSI S1.11- 2004 Class 1.
1/3 octave filters: 0,4 – 20000 Hz, class 1, digital IIR filters, base 10 system (IEC 61260) and ANSI S1.11- 2004 Class 1.
Detector type: Digital true rootmean-square (RMS) detection, resolution 0.1 dB which may optionally be increased to 0.01 dB for indicated levels in the range –9.99 to 99.99 dB.
Crest factor capability: The crest factor is only limited by the peak-value of the signal.
Simultaneous measurement of the following functions: SPL, Lmax; Lmin; Leq; LE; Lpeak; LN; LeqI; LEI; LTMax5
The calibration of the instrument allows microphones with sensitivity in the range -84 dB to +15.9 dB relative to 1V/Pa to be applied. The corresponding display range for the indicated sound level is -50 dB to +180 dB.
The self-noise is measured with the calibration set to –26.0 dB corresponding to a microphone sensitivity of 50mV/Pa. For voltage input, the level 0 dB then corresponds to 1µV. Typical values for the self-noise are 5 dB lower than the values stated. Noise measured with 18 pF microphone dummy and microphone preamplifier Nor1209, averaged over 30 s of measurement time:
A-weighted: 13 dB
C-weighted: 15 dB
Z-weighted: 25 dB
1/3 oct: 6.3 Hz to 250 Hz: 10 dB
1/3 oct: 315 Hz to 20 kHz: 5 dB
Noise measured with Nor1225 microphone and preamplifier Nor1209, averaged over 30 s of measurement time:
A-weighted: 18 dB
C-weighted: 22 dB
Z-weighted: 30 dB
1/3 oct: 6.3 Hz to 250 Hz: 15 dB
1/3 oct: 315 Hz to 20 kHz: 10 dB
Batteries: 4 cells, IEC LR6, AA-sized
Typical battery life time: up to 8 hours
External DC: 11 – 16V. Power consumption approximately 1.2W depending on selected modes of operation. The mains adapter Nor340 is recommended for use with the instrument. If the external supply falls below 9V, the instrument will use the internal batteries if available. If the instrument switched itself off due to loss of power, it will automatically switch on and resume normal operation after reapplying the external DC supply.
The display is a monochrome, transreflective LCD graphical display with 160×240 pixels (W×H) with automatic temperature compensation for contrast and viewing angle. Pressing the light key illuminates the display. The light switches off automatically two minutes after the last operation of any key. The bargraph display covers 80dB which may be scrolled in 10dB steps to cover the total range.
Max output voltage: ±10V
Output impedance: <100Ωohm. The output is short-circuit proof to GND and output current is in excess of 3 mA.
Gain accuracy at 1 kHz: ±0.2 dB
Frequency response re. 1 kHz: ±0.5 dB for 20 Hz < f< 20 kHz
AC-out: 3,5 mm stereo jack. Both channels have identical signals driven by two separate amplifiers. Load impedance shall be 16 ohm or more. Output voltage is generated by the 48 kHz DAC based on data from DSP. Full scale on the display bargraph corresponds to 100 mV.
Output impedance: Less than 10 ohm, AC-coupled 100 µF.
Gain accuracy 1 kHz: ±0,2 dB
Frequency response re. 1 kHz: ±0,5 dB for 20 Hz < f < 20 kHz.
USB interface: USB type 2.0
USB socket: B411
Serial I/O port: RS232 port, 9600 – 115200 baud.
Digital inputs: 3
Digital outputs: 4
The instrument may use SD memory card for storing of setup information, sound recordings and measurement results. SD memory card included in the delivery
Measured data is stored in the internal memory of the sound level meter or on the SD memory card. The internal memory is of the “flash” type retaining the information without battery supply. Approximately 25 Mbyte is available for the data storage
Temperature: –10°C to +50°C
Humidity: 5% to 90% RH, dewpoint less than 40°C.
Atmospheric pressure: 85 kPa to 108 kPa.
Temperature: –30°C to +60°C
Humidity: 5% to 90% RH, dewpoint less than 40°C.
Atmospheric pressure: 50 kPa to 108 kPa.
Depth: 30 mm
Width: 75 mm
Weight incl. batteries: 410 g
Length, excl.microphone/preamplifier: 210 mm
Length, incl. microphone/preamplifier: 292 mm
Follow these steps when upgrading the firmware
Please note! Instruments sold in France, Austria, Germany, Spain and Switzerland is subjected to use pattern evaluated software only. Users in these countries are requested to contact their local Norsonic representative to get the current type approved version.
Achtung! In Deutschland, Österreich, Spanien und der Schweiz unterliegen Schallmessgeräte einer Bauartzulassung / Baumusterprüfung. Die Firmware des Messgerätes ist Bestandteil dieser Bauartzulassung. Führen Sie daher bitte selber kein Firmware-Update durch, sondern wenden sich bei Interesse / Fragen an Ihren lokalen Norsonic-Vertreter!
Attention ! Les instruments vendus en France, Suisse, Allemagne, Autriche et Espagne doivent être configurés exclusivement avec le logiciel homologué. Dans ces pays, les utilisateurs sont priés de contacter leur représentant local Norsonic pour obtenir la version actuelle approuvée.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los instrumentos vendidos en España, Austria, Alemania y Suiza deben usarse exclusivamente con el software evaluado en el examen de modelo. Se sugiere a los usuarios de estos países que contacten con los distribuidores locales para obtener la versión aprobada en la actualidad.
EC 60268-16 (Ed.5.0 2020): Sound system equipment – Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index.
The CIS-value is calculated from the STI-value as specified in: IEC 60849 (Ed. 2.0 1998-02) Sound systems for emergency purposes. (Withdrawn 2008).
The instrument measures STIPA as specified in Annex B of IEC286-16 by the direct method.
IEC 60268-16 (Ed.4.0 2011-06): Sound system equip-ment – Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index.
The CIS-value is calculated from the STI-value as specified in:
IEC 60849 (Ed. 2.0 1998-02) Sound systems for emer-gency purposes.