
  • Easy to use for both short- or long-term unattended monitoring.
  • Seamless connection to NorCloud for unattended monitoring and reporting.



The sound analyser is ideal for all types of environmental noise measurements, permanent, semi-permanent, attended, or unattended. Measurements with markers, audio recordings and event triggered pictures are easily made. The large 4.3” display gives you all the necessary information. Up to 60 measurement parameters may be logged simultaneously.

For attended measurements a sophisticated marker management system with up to 10 user defined markers eases post processing and reporting. The event triggered audio recording and pictures further enhanced the use for unattended measurements.

An advanced trigger system offering different trigger levels for Day, Evening and Night. The dual channel option in the Nor150 further expands the use of the system. The built-in GPS function is useful for tagging the measurement position and for clock synchronisation when several units are in use for blast monitoring or similar applications.

The NorVirtual smart phone App connects seamless to the instrument and gives the user full remote access to the instrument. Pictures and voice notes taken on the smartphone is automatically transferred to the instrument and bundled with the measurement data. The camera on your smartphone or any IP camera may be controlled by the instruments event trigger.

The instrument is easily connected to NorCloud, our noise monitoring control and reporting software.


    • Easy to use for both short- or long-term unattended monitoring.
    • Seamless connection to NorCloud for unattended monitoring and reporting.
    • Twin time profiles with resolution from 5 ms and additional Moving report with trigger possibility.
    • Extensive trigger system for reports, audio recording, camera, and digital output lines.
    • Voice, text, and picture notes.
    • 5 independent event triggers (LDEN support)
    • Automatic detection of impulsive noise (ISO/PAS 1996-3:2022).
    • Advanced marker management.
    • Full remote-control support via NorVirtual app for smartphones.
    • 0-20 sec graphical back erase / pause function.
    • 0-120 sec Audio pre-trigger.



Sound level meters

Nor1255 Sound Calibrator

Sound level meters

Nor1256 Sound Calibrator



Product range catalogue

  • Product range catalogue - English -

    Norsonic_productrange_2024-2025.pdf (0.01GB)
  • Catálogo de productos - Español -

    Norsonic_product_catalogue_Spanish.pdf (0.01GB)


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