The frequency response is essentially flat from the resonance frequency 4.5 Hz and up to at least 500 Hz. However, by using the frequency compensation found in some Norsonic instruments like the vibration meters Nor133 and Nor136, the applicable frequency range may be extended downwards to 1 Hz. This also applies if the signal is measured as function of frequency, e.g. 1/3-octave bands where frequency correction may be used.
The transducer is a passive device and needs no power for operation.
The geophone Nor1292 plugs directly into the input socket of the six channel vibration meter Nor136. It will then connect directly to channel 1, 2 and 3. A second geophone may be connected to channel 4, 5 and 6 of the same Nor136 instrument by the use of an adapter. By the use of adapters, the unit may be connected to the triaxial vibration analyzer Nor133.
The unit may also be applied in connection with a suitable sound level meter like sound analyser Nor140. Only one direction can then be measured at the time by a one-channel instrument.